11 March 2009


Tonight pretty much summed up why I love DVR on our AT&T Uverse package. The DVR is quite simply one of a kind. Since college basketball has been heating up and we have ESPN FullCourt we continually use the DVR to record and rewind games. Just the past week I have a caught a few surprises:

1) The Turd. Yep, thats right Mark Turgeon (aTm Head Coach) was of course bitching at an official and running down the court. The camera had panned to the play when all of a sudden you see this blob roll across the top of the screen. I said to myself, that looks like someone falling on the ground. So I rewound and watched it a few more times. My observation was correct. The Turd was complaining about something and running after the play and tripped over something to where he did a somersault 1/2 down the bench. Yep, that was good.

2) After some slam dunk play one player went and screamed into the camera (you know, the one who sits under the goal). He gave a perfect game face and scream. The other camera then picks up the view and you see camera guy #1 give a big thumbs up to the player.

3) Today, had to be the greatest. Watching the Texas aTm vs Tech game in the Big12 tourney tonight in Oklahoma City. There was a scoreboard error on one end of the stadium...so the officials were trying to figure out how to handle it. So the tv commentator, Reid Gettis, had this to share, "when my computer doesn't work i just unplug the son of a bitch." My roommate barely caught it and said hold up, rewind that, so we did. And yep, you could tell that they tried to mute it down but he definitely said it. Hmmm....wonder what kind of fine this draws him from the FCC?

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