28 March 2009

1020 on a Saturday night....

Hmmm...its 1020 on a Saturday night and I am working on a couple projects. This makes me wonder, what am I doing, why am I doing this and is this my life?

What am I doing?
I am working on my to-do list from this past week of work that did not go anywhere. I barely shortened anything on the list while continually adding more items to it. So tonight I need to modify, tweak and clean up our Master Proposal Template for the division I am helping lead- only me and another guy so we have our work cut out as we have to reach certain financial targets this year. I also need to get a project plan done along with a powerpoint document for a 120 website rollout project that I'll bascially manage over the course of 5 months- but its only going to take up 10% of my time! yahoo!

Why am I doing this?
Because I need to. Only working 4 days this next week since Friday I am headed to Manhattan!! And this is some of the stuff that simply needs to get done.

Is this my life?
Actually, I think so. Sure, I work a lot and I mean a lot of hours, but I really do enjoy what I do. I feel productive and fairly important to the success of projects and business. I think these are good signs for someone my age. Is it weird that I go in at 630 am and then get home around 630pm? Maybe but I enjoy it. Heck, I'm 26 and not married, I think my life can handle it now. I'd rather work my rear off now compared to when I am much older with a family to raise...

Hmmm...well, that just helped me take a bit of a break from work. Now, back to it! :)

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