07 April 2009


This past weekend I was able to go back to Manhattan and visit the best little city ever for my fraternity's alumni weekend. During the drive up to Manhattan- go Google map that stuff, Dallas to Manhattan- I had this feeling of "home" and "miss" come over me.

Many people view Kansas as a "flat as a pancake http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2003/jul/27/holy_hotcakes_study/" type of state. Sure it might be but the sheer beauty that it offers is unreal. The beauty one encounters when driving west of Topeka along I-70 is awesome. The rolling Flint Hills just puts life at ease. Manhattan appears to sit in a valley so when driving from I-70 on 177 (take exit 313) you tend to drive into the city and are able to see the wonderful city below. The drive from the Junction City/Fort Riley access point is a little less scenic. It is one of my dreams to one day to own a house in the Flint Hills that will look over the rolling hills and see the storms cross the countryside...

When in Manhattan life becomes slower, people become nicer and my mood tends to improve. The city has left an impression on my that is one that cannot be replaced. I spent the best 4 1/2 years of my life. Manhattan tends to create loyalty among many people. While people ask why I love Manhattan so much I cannot fill it with tangible or physical items; it is purely emotional and experiencial.

A guy I know decided that he missed Manhattan so much that he made a shirt out of it...its simple and easy http://imissmanhattan.com/ while he sums it up nicely. You really cannot explain it, it is simply something you just know....I Miss Manhattan!

1 comment:

  1. Những biểu hiện đó nếu không kịp thời khám xét và điều trị kịp thời thì có những biến chứng như ung thư dương vật (ở nam giới) hay ung thư cổ tử cung (ở nữ giới) mụn cóc sinh dục nam giới
    Khi có nghi ngờ về dấu hiệu của bệnh mụn cóc sinh dục cần có những điều trị kịp thời. Vậy những hình ảnh bệnh mụn cóc sinh dục như thế nào để bạn dễ nhận biết biểu hiện mụn cóc sinh dục
    Bệnh mụn cóc sinh dục hay còn được gọi là sùi mào gà đến nay vẫn chưa có thuốc điều trị đặc hiệu, người bệnh sẽ phải mang mầm bệnh trong suốt quãng đời còn lại. hình ảnh mụn cóc sinh dục nữ
